Band Artist Venue Show Date Price
poster-name Acid Mothers Temple Mark Pedini vs. Mexican Chocolate Emo's, Austin Texas 04/28/2006 $ 45
poster-name Rocket from the Tombs Brian Salvador Curley Emo's, Austin Texas 12/13/ SOLD OUT!
poster-name Alabama Thunderpussy Brian Salvador Curley Emo's, Austin Texas 12/01/ $ 50
poster-name Memorial for Biscuit Jason Huerta Emo's, Austin Texas 10/09/2005 $ 40
poster-name The Dicks Brian Salvador Curley Emo's, Austin Texas 10/09/2005 $ 45
poster-name G.B.H. Brian Salvador Curley Emo's, Austin Texas 07/20/2005 $ 45
poster-name Fu Manchu Brian Salvador Curley Emo's, Austin Texas 07/30/2005 $ 60
poster-name Nebula Brian Salvador Curley Emo's, Austin Texas 09/26/2003 $ 45
poster-name Mc5 Brian Salvador Curley Emo's, Austin Texas 06/25/2004 $ 50
poster-name X (Red Variant) Brian Salvador Curley Emo's, Austin Texas 06/03/2003 $ 40
poster-name Nebula Jared Connor Emo's, Austin Texas 03/17/2001 $ 40
poster-name Cutthroats 9 Jared Connor Emo's, Austin Texas Strutter's, San Antonio Texas 06/20/2002 $ 50
poster-name Wolves in the Throne Room (Dark Grey/Black Variant) Mexican Chocolate Emo's, Austin Texas and Rubber Gloves, Denton Texas 06/06/2009 $ 40
poster-name Wolves in the Throne Room (Red/Black Variant) Mexican Chocolate Emo's, Austin Texas and Rubber Gloves, Denton Texas 06/06/2009 $ 40
poster-name Wolves in the Throne Room (Light Grey/Pink Variant) Mexican Chocolate Emo's, Austin Texas and Rubber Gloves, Denton Texas 06/06/2009 $ 40
poster-name Wolves in the Throne Room (Red/Yellow Variant) Mexican Chocolate Emo's, Austin Texas and Rubber Gloves, Denton Texas 06/06/2009 $ 40
poster-name Mission of Burma Noel Waggener Emo's, Austin Texas 07/15/2005 $ 50
poster-name Estrus Recording Institute Garage Shock Art Chantry Emo's, Austin Texas 05/25/2001 $ 90
poster-name The Jesus Lizard Jason Austin Emo's, Austin Texas 11/20/ $ 60
poster-name Killdozer Lee Bolton Emo's, Austin Texas 05/29/ $ 80

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